Contact Support

You can either e-mаіl us directly to support at, or, enter your message below. If you feel that your problem might be common, look for a similar question on the Forum.

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When to expect a response?

Our support staff, unlike many other companies, isn't outsourced. Despite being a small company, your message is delivered directly to the developer.

In particular, we guarantee - if you're a purchased customer who writes to us regarding a time-sensitive question we'll do our best to reply as soon as we can, usually within 3-4 hours, if it's working time, and you'll always receive a real reply from a human being, with a high chance who is also a software developer of the title you are contacting us regarding.

Please note, our response time depends on the complexity of your question. For instance, questions related to sales have priority #1 and must be answered immediately. If you are requesting a new feature, would be better to use the Forum for this purpose, as such question may require time for consideration and public discussion.

If it's a feature request - please, please, keep your message short and to the point. If possible, one feature per message.

See also:

Online Manual - AllMyNotes Organizer
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