AllMyNotes Organizer - Frequently Asked Questions

Sales and Registration.


Q: What's the upgrade price/procedure to version 4?

A: Deluxe license upgrade costs 50% off the regular price, and totally free in following cases:

1. If the license was purchased within 12 months prior to the version 4 release date (19 Mar 2020).

2. For all volunteers - localizers, testers, partners, etc. The upgrade for all these categories have to be handled manually via e-mail support, just drop us few words, ask for the license renewal.


Q: I've purchased the Deluxe license. How fast will the activation code be delivered to me?

A: Immediately upon purchase, you will receive an email with your activation key inside. This process is fully automated, expect no delays. If after 10 minutes you still have not received your activation key, then either one of two things has occurred:

1. Your activation email was caught by your spam filters on your email server or email client. Please take a look in to the Spam folder. Make sure to add our email address support at to your address book to avoid this scenario.

2. You mistyped your email address when you where placing your purchase. This is not a problem, simply contact us and ask where your license is.

Usually we reply on purchase inquiries immediately when it's our working hours. And up to 24-48 hours at weekends (this is the worst scenario, normally we reply immediately during weekends and holidays too). If you don't hear from us for longer than that, please try to contact us from different email address - sometimes evil email providers simply have problems with delivery of certain content. In our experience we've seen the case when a paranoid anti-spam filter was treating the word 'license' in email body as suspicious, and deleted such emails without a trace, to avoid this scenario simply try different email service provider.


Q: I've lost my activation key, how to retrieve it?

A: We restore purchased licenses at no cost. Please use our License Restore service for your convenience.

Q: What to do if I've changed my e-mail address?

A: We use your e-mail in order to restore your registration information and inform you about available product updates and offers. In case of e-mail address change, please let us know about email address change, and we'll update our records accordingly.

Q: For how long is valid purchased Deluxe license? What will be upgrade price and policy?

A: Please read our upgrade policy for purchased customers page.

Q: What's your refund policy?

A: Basically it's very simple - try before you buy. We respect our customers and pride ourselves on doing business fairly that as provide a free trial on our software, the free trial use is your opportunity to determine if our product meets your needs, please respect our position in this, no company can be fairer that to provide a free trial version for your evaluation.
You can read our refund policy here.

Generic questions.


Q: What's the difference between Deluxe and Lite editions?

A: Click here to compare Deluxe and Lite editions.

Q: Can I sync my notes between a few of my computers?

A: Yes, you can. There are many ways to do it. Click here for notes sync instructions.

Q: Is AllMyNotes available on Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone?

A: AllMyNotes is available for Windows, and there are many ways to have it on other platforms. For example, it works almost natively on Linux using Wine or PlayOnLinux emulators. Same for Mac - there you can use Wine, Crossover, PlayOnMac, or WinOnX apps to launch AllMyNotes there.

You can even have it on Android and iPhone smartphonces! How? Counting that broadband Internet access is broadly available on these devices, you can use remote desktop sharing tools to work with Desktop apps right from your device!

Q: What will happen to my data on installing updates or reinstalling the application?

A: Actually nothing, as long as you are using the installer, or simply unpacking new Portable .zip file version over the old installation. The installer is preserving all your data and preferences, and even after uninstall/install your data and settings are safe.

Q: I've purchased a new computer. What's the best way to move my data to my new PC?

A: To move AllMyNotes to another machine simply install it there, copy your .ddb data file to new machine, and open it from there by double-clicking on it there, or, using File -> Open menu item in AllMyNotes. As simple as that. Enjoy!

Q: Where my data is located?

A: No clouds :) All your data is stored in to a single .ddb database file. You can actually have multiple .ddb files for various purposes. By default, your .ddb file is located either in My Documents folder (for non-Portable version), or in the same folder where AllMyNotes Organizer is installed (this is the case for Portable version). Alternatively you can save your data to any other convenient for you place using 'File'-'Save As...' menu item.

Q: What file format you are using to store AllMyNotes Organizer data?

A: We are using our own, highly performant, compact, encryptable proprietary database format, which allows storing huge data amount, securely encrypted using 1800-bit key. There is no limit on data storage size in AllMyNotes Organizer, data is stored on disk at all times, which ensures maximum protection against data loss and minimal disk seek time and minimal RAM usage. We are totally free from dependencies from third-party software! We also allow export to HTML, RTF, and TXT file formats at any time to make you feel free from worries about proprietary data formats. Click here to read more details and facts on data storage format.

Q: What programming language is AllMyNotes written in? Also, how is the user interface made? Is it customly, or, native Windows components?

A: The application is written using Visual C++, we are using exclusively only our own MFC-based code for everything - skins (all UI controls done by ourselves, we really love to work on UI), database engine (an excellent, highly-performant, encrypted solid file storage), and huge amount of other useful routines, all done by us. This way we have no problems with dependency on third-party libraries, and once need to add new feature or update existing one, we have no limits - we are the masters of the code, we exactly know how it's done.

Resolving issues.


Q: Cannot install - Windows protected your PC message.

A: This issue is common to all newly released software in Windows 10. Press More info -> Run Anyway. If there is no ‘More info’ text open Windows Defender, go to App & Browser Control. See ‘Check apps and files’ section, select the ‘Warn’ instead of the ‘Block’ option.

Here you can read additional details on this issue.

Q: I'm using Portable version, and Help function is not available, why?

A: This issue is common to older Portable version users who installed AllMyNotes on USB media or Network drive. It's related to system security settings. It's easy to fix this problem by locating AllMyNotes.chm file, right-click on in Windows Explorer, and select Properties from the popup menu. Click on the Unblock button immediately below the Advanced button on the General page. Click Apply to show the content. As simple as that!

You can find additional information on this system security setting by following links:

Localization, Skins.


Q: Is/when AllMyNotes Organizer will be available in my language?

A: At present moment all language modules are available with installation. So please make sure that you have the latest version of app installed. Additionally, if localization to your language is not available yet, or available but incomplete, we are encouraging you to help us in localizing application to your language. Your help will be rewarded with Deluxe edition for free, plus, free upgrades for a long period of time.

Q: Is there more skins available for download?

A: At present moment all skins are available with installation. So please make sure that you have the latest version of app installed. Additionally, we encourage you to create your own skins and submit them to us. If the skin look good, we'll include it in the installer, and you'll get Deluxe edition for free, plus, free upgrades for a long period of time. Please feel free to contact us for details.