AllMyNotes Organizer Download ‹ What's new? ‹ Version 1.03, build 114 Beta

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 1.03, build 114 Beta
Release date: October 6, 2009 - 15 years ago
• Improved notability of filtering mode. Customers were complaining that their data was lost. But in fact, they've switched to filtering mode, and couldn't figure what's happening. Now, folder tree view gives very prominent message that not all data is displayed due to Global Search filer
• In Global Search Boolean search checkbox made more self-explanatory, it includes an example of query string
• Changed default state of preferences "Automatically start on Windows startup" and "On Windows startup minimize window". Both are now enabled by default. This should enable better text capturing experience via the system tray icon
• Changed default state of Auto Save preference, now it's turned On by default
• Improved application behavior on switching from caption editing to note editing. Previously was needed to click twice on note editor - one time to finish caption editing, and the second time to actually let focus pass. Now single click is enough.
• Fixed usability issue in Global Search. When Global Search dialog shows up, last search text is displayed in search line, but cursor for entering text was in the end of text, it was making new search uneasy, was needed to delete old text first. Now, all last searched text is highlighted with selection, so if to start typing new text will simply delete old text
• Fixed bug in Auto Save feature. It was saving data to x60 more frequently than it was configured in preferences. This is not a biggie, but it was waste of processor resources
• Fixed error in the boolean search feature (Global search algorithm) - sometimes, words, requested for exclusion, were ignored
• Fixed error with loosing undo/redo information in currently edited document after performing Save operation
• Fixed bug with pasting formatted text in rich-text edit control - in some rare cases, first characters had formatting from place where text was pasted
• Fixed issue in Drag & Drop - dropped text was dropped as a plain (unformatted) text, now formatting is properly preserved
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