AllMyNotes Organizer Download ‹ What's new? ‹ Version 1.12, build 144 RC1
AllMyNotes Organizer Version 1.12, build 144 RC1
Release date: November 13, 2009 - 15 years ago
• Implemented JPEG and GIF pictures Import. Accessible via main menu -> Edit -> Insert -> Insert Picture, and via Rich Text's "Insert Picture" toolbar item.
• Implemented pasting images in metafile RTF format - to enable importing/pasting texts and images from applications like MS-Word and WordPad.
• Implemented First Start Wizard, which is aimed to facilitate initial choose language, performs quick setup, customization, and provides information about the app to first time users. Also it's available via main menu -> Help -> QuickStart Wizard menu item.
• Added Traditional Taiwan translation. Many thanks to Kuo Yung Meng.
• Added Simplified Taiwan Chinese translation. Many thanks to Kuo Yung Meng.
• Added Simplified Mainland Chinese localization. Thanks to Bob Zhong.
• Updated Korean language file to include latest changes in app - thanks to Kim Yongjae.
• Added Expand All and Collapse All menu items (available in Tree menu) and toolbar buttons (in toolbar it's hidden by default). These commands are useful to expand/collapse all sub-folders of selected folder.
• Improved Global Search. Now, on filtering searched items first found item gets selected in the Tree view.
• Extended About screen to include short license status and added buttons to check for updates and update license information.
• Improved system tray icon behavior - when window is visible single click on it minimizes window.
• Changed Save Changes menu item and toolbar button - now it's enabled only when changes are unsaved.
• Changed default state of "Auto Save" feature. Now it's turned on by default, and interval is decreased from 10 to 3 minutes.
• Automatic check for updates is performed upon initial window show up, previously it was happening even on launch when program had to be silently hidden to system tray.
• Changed licensing model to allow Expired Trial working in Free mode. Nag screen still will show up on program startup to select which edition is right for you, but absence of valid Free license will not prevent you from accessing your data.
• Fixed bug with scroller size in simple text fields (it was too small in some cases).
• Fixed bug with wrong maximized window placement when system toolbar is located in the top- or left-side of the screen.
• Fixed issue with pop-up menu appearance on dual-screen computers. On some configurations menu was incorrectly aligned to the screen.
• Fixed issue with Trial is Over for customers who just installed the app. It was rare case, and was happening due to conflict with some computer security settings, now license information is stored in another place, where it will not conflict with system security settings.
• Fixed bug with Font Name and Font Size tooltips in Rich Text edit toolbar.
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