AllMyNotes Organizer DownloadWhat's new? ‹ Version 1.19, build 181 Release

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What's new in Version 1.19, build 181 Release

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 1.19, build 181 Release

Release date: January 8, 2010 - 15 years ago

• New feature: Bullet character can be customized. Preference is added to Defaults page of Options window.

• New feature: number of spaces in Tab indent can be customized. Preference is added to Defaults page of Options window.

• Updated Korean language strings to reflect all recent string changes in latest version. Thanks to Kim Yongjae.

• Updated Simplified and Traditional Chinese language strings to reflect all recent string changes in latest version. Thanks to Kuo Yung Meng.

• Fixed error with inserting some images - error message that image format is unsupported was shown. Now all these images are supported.

• Fixed bug with stretching images that do not fit the screen - these images were scaled disproportionally.

• Minor fix: auto-save feature was saving date faster than it was specified in preferences.

• Minor fix: on pressing Download button in Update Available notification window gets closed, it was an expected behavior from many users.

• Minor improvement: In Portable edition automatic check for updates will check for new updates availability less frequently, as Portable application is being launched more frequently.

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