AllMyNotes Organizer Download ‹ What's new? ‹ Version 1.36

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 1.36
Release date: August 11, 2010 - 15 years ago
• Added Polish localization. Many thanks to Sebastian Pieczycski!
• New feature for purchased customers - Automatic License Restore service. If you've lost your registration information, simply go to Help -> Activation Details -> Select Edition, and in appeared window choose Deluxe edition, your email, and name and press "Request My Code" button. If you've provided same email as on purchase, the system will email to you your registration email. This way no need to contact us for your license restoration :)
• New feature in Rich Text control: Horizontal Line. To insert Horizontal line it's enough to create text line with three or more dash characters (like this: ---). Also it's possible to assign color for line and background, other software doesn't allows that.
• Improved support of eastern Asian languages - now IME indicator appears at cursor position to display preview of currently typed character. This feature is particularly important for Korean language.
• Improved appearance of Menus and Tooltips - added shadow effect on Win XP and higher.
• Added keyboard shortcut to turn Global Search filtering off, and keep selection active - Shift+F4.
• Activation Code Request feature now will work also for cases if the user is behind firewall, and AllMyNotes Organizer cannot access Internet - in this case, new browser window will open to activation request page in Internet.
• Minor change: In Hierarchy tree pop-up menu menu item "Item Info..." is moved in to "Properties" sub-menu.
• Fixed bug with Read-Only mode - it was still possible to resize images in read-only Notes.
• Fixed compatibility issue with Windows 2000 - on clean OS app wouldn't start, as some dependency system libraries were missing.
• Fixed Filtering and Go To Item features in Global Search - since recently it wasn't automatically highlighting found text when focus was passed to Note. Also now it's possible to find next text occurrences within Note just by pressing F3 key.
• Few other fixes and refinements.
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