AllMyNotes Organizer Download ‹ What's new? ‹ Version 2.04 Beta

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 2.04 Beta
Release date: April 27, 2010 - 15 years ago
• Updated Italian language localization to include recently added strings. Many thanks to Alberto Polizzano!
• Implemented multi-line tabification/de-tabification by single pressing Tab/Shift+Tab respectively.
• Improved Font name selection menu to be more compact (minimal menu item height - to display many more fonts than previously).
• Improved initial Reminders window appearance - now it's bigger, and minimal window size is restricted to bigger boundaries.
• Implemented keyboard shortcuts to move lines - Ctrl+Shift+Up to move selected line up, and Ctrl+Shift+Down to move selected line down
• Added Alt+S keyboard shortcut to invoke Spell Checker.
• Fixed two spell checker issues - in English language apostrophe now can be part of word, and for Spanish language inverted interrogation and exclamation marks are recognized correctly now.
• Fixed error with selecting some fonts (wrong font name was selected for first 7 font entries under certain conditions).
• Fixed error with system font quality setting - it was ignored, now it's used everywhere except Rich Text control (there we are forcing font to maximum quality).
• Fixed crash which was happening on checking for updates. It was happening when proxy server returned too long reply instead of actual of version status page.
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