AllMyNotes Organizer Download ‹ What's new? ‹ Version 2.28

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 2.28
Release date: November 12, 2010 - 14 years ago
• French language is revised for errors, thanks to Djily Diaw for this effort!
• Added UK/Eire language module. Many thanks to David Loring for this translation!
• On exporting to HTML file data URLs, emails, and phone numbers are now automatically hyperlinked.
• Improved external file hyperlinks for Portable version - now if drive letter of USB stick is changing the hyperlink is still valid and works - AllMyNotes is now enumerating all drives for desired file existence.
• Improved error handling on file opening operations. Now, if database file cannot be opened due to disk error, exact error cause is displayed.
• Fixed error with Boolean search option in Global Search - in some cases items were not found correctly when it was enabled, particularly it was the case when searched text was present in Folder/Note Caption text.
• Fixed issue with adding accented characters to the Spell Checker dictionary using Add To Dictionary button - these words were loosing accents. Now accents are properly saved.
• Fixed crash on opening file which doesn't exists anymore using File -> Recent menu item.
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