AllMyNotes Organizer DownloadWhat's new? ‹ Version 2.32

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What's new in Version 2.32

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 2.32

Release date: January 4, 2011 - 14 years ago

• Implemented picture import from PNG file format.

• Added status bar section to display cursor line and character number under cursor.

• Improved pictures export in HTML and RTF formats for better compatibility with third-party programs.

• Introduced many enhancements in clipboard support. Improved pictures support, fixed many compatibility issues with pasting images in third-party programs. Also added support for device-independent picture clipboard format, thanks to which pictures can be pasted in Photoshop, MS-Paint, and other programs of this kind.

• Implemented automatic scrolling of hierarchy tree on hovering mouse near top and bottom corners while doing Drag & Drop.

• Improved automatic URL recognition, now even non-standard characters allowed in URL path if it's wrapped in double-quotes.

Skins converted to PNG format, which means that now we can use true alpha-transparency. As result, many icons look much better in various color themes (previously we were doing transparency using color-filtering, which wasn't always as nice as true alpha-blending).

• This build includes Tables feature, which is currently in Beta-testing stage, and all improvements related to Tables.

• Few additional minor improvements and corrections to enhance your notekeeping experience.

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