AllMyNotes Organizer Download ‹ What's new? ‹ Version 2.39

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 2.39
Release date: April 7, 2011 - 14 years ago
• Improved Alarms handling - now Snoozed and Dismissed alarms are saved when app restarts.
• New feature: Export from RoboForm. For example, you can export notes from RoboForm Safenotes. To do it please export data from RoboForm in .htm file, using Print List -> Safenotes -> and in appeared window click on Save button -> save file with .htm extension (ex: allmynotes.htm). In AllMyNotes use File -> Import menu item to import that .htm file. After importing all your notes with directory structure will be correctly placed in AllMyNotes :) Enjoy better notetaking experience and even better security features with AllMyNotes!
• Implemented import from .txt files saved in Unicode format.
• Implemented import from HTML files stored in Unicode text file format (rare case, but happens...).
• Improved error handling when data file is inaccessible, for example when removable media where it was located on is disconnected - more options are given to the user what to do in this case.
• Licensing changed for better - Deluxe edition is now less strict, when it expires it switches to Free edition mode. Also Free Edition now works for 30 days in Deluxe trial mode, previously it was 14 days.
• Updated the installer to: (1) correct start menu names, number of wrong naming conventions (that were including version number, or word "Beta") now will be automatically corrected on update, and (2) on uninstalling the installer opens uninstall survey page where user can optionally highlight reason of uninstall and provide us with details what we can do to make app better, (3) Uninstall item is added to Start menu group, so it's easier to uninstall.
• Fixed distance between Tables - if one table was following by another, they were touching each-other, now a small gap is visible. Same is done for table printing.
• Fixed Ukrainian and Russian spell-checking dictionaries, if you are using htem need to re-download and re-install them.
• Fixed error with creating bulleted lists and indented text - if a text line started from space or tab, a bullet character wasn't added. Now bullet is added after the leading text, to correctly preserve original indentation.
• Fixed minor glitch in color picker menu - bottom frame line wasn't painted.
• Fixed minor glitch in First Start wizard - for registered users it was offering to buy Deluxe license even if app was already registered.
• Fixed random crash when creating Tables, specific to 64-bit Win 7 only.
• Couple of other tiny app improvements and various fixes.
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