AllMyNotes Organizer DownloadWhat's new? ‹ Version 2.60

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What's new in Version 2.60

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 2.60

Release date: April 4, 2012 - 13 years ago

• Added new keyboard shortcuts that are commonly used in Evernote, to ease migration from Evernote to AllMyNotes Organizer:

        F6 - Global Search

        Ctrl+Shift+A - turn on/off filtering mode and preserve the selection

        Ctrl+Shift+S - Global Search

        Ctrl+P - Print

        Ctrl+F2 - Print Preview

        Ctrl+Shift+> - Increase font size

        Ctrl+Shift+< - Decrease font size

        Ctrl+G - Find Next

        Ctrl+Shift+G - Find Prev

        Ctrl+K - Insert Hyperlink

        Ctrl+Q - exit application

• Reminders window is now being closed on pressing Snooze or Dismiss buttons, when there is nothing left in the list.

• Improved <pre> tag handling on web-clipping.

• Fixed minor issue with incorrect item selection after deleting notes/folders in the outline hierarchy tree. Normally an item following by deleted item must be selected, in some cases it wasn't happening, instead deleted item was still highlighted, but this time it was in the Recycle bing. It was happening only when Recycled Bin bolder was visible on the screen.

• Fixed issue with dialing phone numbers clipped from the web and containing "call:" prefix. Such hyperlink were recognized as URLs, now AllMyNotes is able to correctly recognize as phone number and dial using Skype or any other telephony provider.

• Fixed error with font name in skininfo.ini, it wasn't always working unless .ttf file with required font was located in the same folder with skininfo.ini file. Now it will work also if .ttf file is located in the Windows Fonts folder.

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