AllMyNotes Organizer Download ‹ What's new? ‹ Version 2.61

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 2.61
Release date: April 25, 2012 - 13 years ago
• New: Norwegian language translation, it includes all major strings, only few minor strings are still missing.
• New: Arabic language localization! Many thanks to Rania El Gazzar for it!
• Greatly updated Czech translation - many new strings that were missing are added, also old strings were revised. Muchly thanks to Jozef Klinga for his translation!
• Updated Russian and Ukrainian language translations to include all recently added strings.
• Added menu item to empty recycled bin folder - "Empty 'Recycle Bin' folder", in right-click pop-up menus in Hierarchy Tree and Folder View.
• AllMyNotes is no longer checking the .exe file integrity against unauthorized third-party modifications using the codesigning certificate (Windows was connecting to, the authority which issued our certificate, to check it, which scared some suspicious users). We've implemented a new way to do it, which requires no Internet connectivity.
• Fixed issue with deleting expanding folder content - right hand Folder view was updated with slight delay and therefore a false feeling that data wasn't actually deleted was given to the user.
• Fixed bug with dialing phones using Skype or any other VoIP providers - for some combination of browsers (as VoIP calls are handled via browser's "callto:" command) and phone number formats it wasn't working.
• Few more tiny refinements and corrections.
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