AllMyNotes Organizer Download ‹ What's new? ‹ Version 2.64

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 2.64
Release date: July 12, 2012 - 13 years ago
• Greatly improved skin "Deep" - now it's fashioned under grayscale style, all icons are now consistently gray, new toolbar appearance, reworked look of buttons and even window title is different. Who knows, possibly now you'll like it even better than default skin "Holy Crown"?.. Enjoy!
• New App icon.
• Updated Danish translation. Muchly thanks to Bent Munch for this update.
• On first app launch random skin will be selected, variety is good, right? ;)
Resolved issues:
• Fixed error with exporting some hyperlinks in html format. When whole line was a hyperlink, it was exported as a plain (unformatted) text.
• Fixed horizontal scrollbar painting issue in the Holy Crown skin.
• Fixed issue with searching for upper-case texts - for some non-English locales such texts were ignored in Global Search.
• Fixed minor issue in the Password generator. For some very complex passwords the generator was saying "weak".
• Fixed bug with installing different versions of the app to different folders. As result, was used skin from one of them, which could lead to the case when newer app version had an older app skin, which was odd to see.
• Few more small improvements and corrections.
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