AllMyNotes Organizer Download ‹ What's new? ‹ Version 2.77

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 2.77
Release date: December 11, 2013 - 11 years ago
• Enhanced interface for opening password-protected folders, also for changing/disabling passwords directly from the main view.
• Improved UI hints appearance (in all skins/themes), also enhanced some icons in the Holy Crown skin.
• Improved text sorting performance. Though it was fast already, but still... :)
• Updated Romanian language localization (performed by Alexandru Bogdan Munteanu)
• Updated Russian and Ukrainian localizations to include all newly added strings.
• Corrected issue with selecting Saturday as the only repeating weekly reminder date - Reported at the forum
• Fixed error with refreshing some skin-dependent images on changing skin.
• Corrected major performance error which had place for Deluxe trial users - in trial mode unneeded license verifications were unintentionally called without need, which could cause screen refresh lags.
• Fixed issue with importing data from .txt and .html formats, in some rare cases a dead loop could happen which was preventing from data importing.
• Fixed error with keyboard shortcuts not working in certain cases. For example, on editing folder or note title name in the hierarchy tree, or, when input focus was on a button.
• Couple of other small updates and fixes.
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