AllMyNotes Organizer DownloadWhat's new? ‹ Version 2.78

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What's new in Version 2.78

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 2.78

Release date: January 28, 2014 - 11 years ago

New features:

• Improved design of all Menu icons in the Holy Crown skin.

• Enhanced automatic recognition of phone numbers, to recognize numbers in XXXX-XXXX format, which, as appears, is a valid local phone number format for certain locales.


• Fixed issue in attachment changes tracking - only first case of external file modification was tracked, all subsequent changes were skipped.

• Corrected error with auto-closing password-protected folder on folders when the app was configured to close to the system tray it wasn't working as expected - Reported at the forum.

• Fixed error in the First Start Wizard, on some systems it wasn't shown on first launch automatically, was needed to reach it via Help menu item.

• Fixed issue with compact menu (ex: font names list menu) painting, particularly checkbox position was wrong and painted over the menu border.

• Corrected error with menu items selection using the mouse, in some systems randomly mouse clicks on menu items were ignored. The issue was happening only once out of many clicks, therefore was not easy to reproduce it, but still it was annoying for some users.

• Corrected error with maximizing main window on dual-monitor systems, when the first and the second were switched in Windows Monitor settings - when maximizing on very left monitor, main window width was wider than left monitor width.

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