AllMyNotes Organizer DownloadWhat's new? ‹ Version 2.80

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What's new in Version 2.80

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 2.80

Release date: May 1, 2014 - 11 years ago

New features:

• Added new keyboard shortcuts to select font (Ctrl+Shift+F), font size (Ctrl+Shift+P), toggle bulleted list mode for selected text lines (Ctrl+Shift+L and Ctrl+Shift+8), and toggle numbered list mode for selected text lines Ctrl+Shift+7. Asked on the forum


• Fixed issue with random app crash on exiting app, was related to active alarms list

• Corrected crash on app launch which was happening on certain systems were some recent system updates were not set up.

• Fixed issue issue with pasting some HTML formatting from the Firefox web-browser

• Few additional small improvements and fixes.

See also:

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