AllMyNotes Organizer DownloadWhat's new? ‹ Version 3.22

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What's new in Version 3.22

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 3.22

Release date: January 4, 2018 - 7 years ago


Improved skin Holy Crown - reworked toolbars and pop-up menu colors, changed selection color. Many dark blue colors which were used to indicate selection are reverted to more appealing orange color

• Tuned up "Deep - Sharp" theme, as some interface elements were difficult to see after recent changes to skin Deep.

• The user Manual is moved online. Previously the manual was in Windows Help (.chm) format, but it wasn't working in Portable version from USB flash drive due to security constrains introduced by Microsoft in all recent Windows versions. Online location also makes it easier to translate it to any language using automated translation which is built-in in all major browsers already.

• Added more characters to be recognized as a bulleted list: '+', '»', '«', '>', '<', '_', '^', '#', '$', '&', '@', '=', '|', '~', '?', '!', '%', ';', and ':'.

Corrected issues:

• Fixed a couple of major issues with printouts rendering. Particularly with breaking line at punctuation symbols, and, line boundaries in text lines with tab symbols inside.

• Fixed issue with displaying 8-bit PNG images attached to documents. The issue is pretty similar to the one which was fixed in previous version (3.21), but at this time it should work for all cases, while previous fix working with some exceptions.

• Few other minor improvements and fixes.

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