AllMyNotes Organizer Download ‹ What's new? ‹ Version 3.52

AllMyNotes Organizer Version 3.52
Release date: May 15, 2023 - 2 years ago
• The Alarm/Reminder icon in the text editor now appears as half-transparent when disabled, allowing for easy visual identification.
• Enhanced import/export functionality for HTML format, resulting in improved preservation of CSS formatting. This improvement also extends to pasting data from web browsers, ensuring better retention of the original formatting.
• Enhanced Global Search functionality for faster and more accurate results, allowing you find the information you need even better than before.
• Fixed crash on program startup, which it could be caused by invalid values in certain config file entries as result of maual file edit. Now AllMyNotes checks for values validity better and will not crash if something was entered with mistake.
• Fixed an issue with printing notes that resulted in distorted formatting or missing content. Printing now accurately reflects the original note layout.
• Resolved an issue that caused occasional lag or slow response when working with large note collections, resulting in smoother performance and improved responsiveness.
• Some additional minor refinements and corrections.
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